As an admin user, you have the ability to add users to your Clarifresh account (within the limit of your purchased licenses).
Adding users is easy. Simply follow these steps:
1- Access your settings
2- Click on the 'Users' button
3- Click on the 'NEW USER' button
4- Fill in the email and username fields
5- Allocate the desired license to the new user
6- Note: The numbers to the left under the Computer Vision icon indicate how many licenses are being used, while the right side number indicates how many licenses are available. You won't be able to add users beyond the availability.
If you would like to purchase additional purchases, please contact your Clarifresh account manager or send a message to the support team.
7- Once you click 'create user', a new user will be created.
An automatic 'welcome email' is then sent to the user with their login information.
In the example below, you will see 2 mobile license with computer vision are being used out of 10 available licenses. Additionally, 1 platform license is being used out of 3 purchased, and 1 admin license is being used from the single one purchase. To conclude, the example shows there are 8 more available mobile licenses and 2 more available dashboard licenses. There are no more admin licenses available for use.
With admin privileges, you can:
1- Reset the user password
2- Edit names
3- Delete users from the system