In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of how to craft your first report.
1. Report screen
Go to the report screen.
2. Report screen
Let's take a quick walk through here.
3. Saved reports
On the left top you will find the report name selected from the saved reports list.
4. Inspections
The main section on the right is the report output.
5. Filters
The filters are on the left here. You will select the relevant inspections.
6. Toolbar
The toolbar is on the top right to manage what will be presented for the inspections you selected?
7. Create new report
Now create your first report click on the plus button in the saved report section.
8. Report name
Enter a new report name.
9. Save report
And click save
10. Starting from filters
Let's focus on what matters.
11. Filter by inspection name
Filter by inspection name
12. Filter by period
Or by period
13. Filter by produce
Focus on specific produce
14. Filter by variety
And variety
15. Filter by process
Limit the inspections to certain processes
16. Filter by grade
Inspections can be funneled by grade into past rejected or ungraded.
17. Filter by property
Add more filters buy properties. For more information go to how to filter by property article.
How to filter by properties18. Number of selected inspections
Each filter will update the inspection list with the total number of selected inspections in the report.
19. Configure columns
Now is the time to customize the columns click the configure columns button on the toolbar.
20. Configure columns by type
Filter The Columns by type
21. Configure columns with search
Or search by column name
22. Add column to report
Select the columns and see it reflected in the report.
23. Organize columns
Manually organize the columns drag and drop the column to the desired location and it will adjust its position accordingly.
24. Aggregate inspections
Inspections can be aggregated and averaged based on the value of the available columns.
25. Select Group by columns
Select the column whose values you want to group the inspections by.
26. Group by section
Group by column will appear in the selected Group by section.
27. Grouped report
And the inspections in the report will be aggregated into groups based on the value of the selected column.
28. Close the configure columns
Close the configure columns button to see the report more clearly.
29. Expand all
Now expand all the groups to see the inspections.
30. Expand group
Or expand a specific one.
31. Show charts
Let's go to the next feature on the toolbar near the custom column. You will find an option to show charts reports can be saved to show charts by default.
32. inspections by grades
On the left explore the chart inspections by grades.
33. Inspections by defect groups
On the right a chart of inspections by defect groups.
34. Send summary report
There are more features on the toolbar such as send summary report on demand.
35. Download
Download the report in CSV format.
36. Print
Print in PDF format
37. Save report
Finally click save on the right of the report name to save all the changes.
38. Saved reports
You can now find your report in the list of Saved reports where it can be selected deleted or edited.
39. Schedule the report
You can also schedule the report to be emailed on a regular basis.
Easy, it's the Clarifresh way!