Users configured to access the Clarifresh application through Single Sign-On (SSO) can seamlessly log in using a dedicated link. Follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth login experience:
Step 1: Use the Invitation Email Link
If you have been invited to use the Clarifresh application with SSO, you should have received an invitation email. This email contains a specific link that is tailored to your account. Simply click on this link to access the application and complete the login process.
Step 2: Alternative Access with the SSO Link
If the link from the invitation email is no longer available, you can still log in by manually entering the following URL in your browser:<sso identifier>
Replace <sso identifier>
with the unique SSO identifier provided to you by Clarifresh or your organization. The SSO identifier is generally the name of the main company domain. For example, if the domain is "," the SSO identifier will be "clarifresh."
Ensure your device is connected to the internet during the login process.
If you encounter any issues accessing the application via SSO, contact your organization’s administrator or Clarifresh support for assistance.
By following these steps, you can easily access the Clarifresh application and take full advantage of its features.