We're excited to introduce a small yet impactful new feature that gives you more control over your QC reports.
1. QC report:
From now on you can hide inspection photos from your QC reports.
2. Go to inspection overview:
Go to the inspection overview.
3. The inspection is not approved:
Before proving an inspection the QC manager can choose to make any photo non-public.
4. Go to Inspection overview photos tab
Under the photos tab, you can see all the photos associated with the inspection.
5. Filter by photo types:
You can filter photos by type such as checklist defects info and computer vision photos for automatic attributes. This helps. You quickly find the specific photos you're looking for.
6. Photos public by default:
Each photo has detailed information at the top right corner. By default the public option is turned on.
7. Turn off the public toggle
If you want to hide a photo from the QC report, simply turn off the public option. It makes the photo non-public.
8. Qc report with public photos only:
Once you've turned off the public option the photo will be hidden from the QC report giving you more control over what gets shared.
Thank you. It's the Clarifresh way.