Welcome to Clarifresh. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating notification conditions based on property values in your inspections.
1. Navigate to 'Notification Groups' in General Config settings
First navigate to the settings screen Then go to notification groups in the general configuration.
2. Select a notification group.
Select an existing notification group or create a new one for more details on creating a notification group check out our dedicated article.
Add new notification group3. Click on 'Add Target'
Within your selected notification group click on ADD Target.
4. Target based on property
The new Target will be based on property values.
5. Choose the property
Choose the property you want to use as a condition for the notification?
6. Add an email address for specific property value
Enter the property value and the email address that should be notified when this specific property value appears in an inspection.
7. Click "Add"
Click add
8. A new target in the list
You will now see your new Target in the list.
9. Different values of the same property
Add different emails for different values of the same property allowing for customized notifications to be based on various conditions.
10. Notify by email on approval
Now when you approve an inspection using our new notification group, the report will be sent to the email address associated with the specified property value.
Thank you. It's the Clarifresh way.