Packages are a feature within a standard, allowing you to customize specific values of different packages.
For example, let's look at the attribute 'weight'. An acceptable 'weight' value can range, especially between a carton and a bin. Therefore, packaging allows you to add a range of acceptable grades, depending on the specific package.
For a carton, we expect a minimum weight of 5 kg and a maximum of 10 kg. Any carton below 5 kg will fail the inspection and any carton heavier than 10 kg will also fail.
In the case of bin packaging, we expect a minimum weight of 300 kg and a maximum of 400 kg. A bin weighing 350 kg will be considered a good grade, whereas a bin weighing 250 kg or 410 kg will be considered a bad grade.
These package examples can be configured as outlined below:
To understand how ranges for attribute grades are configured, please refer to Understanding Clarifresh's Standard Specifications.